![]() 09/04/2013 at 20:23 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Good job Spiegel!
![]() 09/04/2013 at 20:30 |
Fuck those retards, the best part of them ran down the crack of their mothers ass and ended up as a shit stain on the mattress. Bunch of fucking thunder cunts the lot of them
![]() 09/04/2013 at 20:44 |
When I first found Jalopnik, I dreamed of being able to post a comment without it being grey. Then I actually read the comments... Now, I just stick to Oppo.
![]() 09/04/2013 at 21:18 |
I understand his sentiment, but his statement is still inherently incorrect.
![]() 09/04/2013 at 21:25 |
Holy shit that thread got out of hand. I caught it at the beginning when it was young. Now...hot damn.
![]() 09/04/2013 at 21:33 |
Look driving fast on public roads is unsafe. If you screw up you don't just screw up your life it's the people in the cars around you. So lets say you're driving 60 in a 40 and the person in front of you brakes hard. You don't have time to brake. You just ran into the back of a sedan and crippled a kid who's entire life was about sports, and just like that, you've fucked up his life forever. That is assuming that you didn't kill him. What you need to realize is that when you drive you are driving a 2000-6000 pound slab of metal that can fuck up a bunch of stuff. I don't care how good you think you are at driving because all it takes for you to screw up is to be distracted for half a second. Not even just driving fast it's when driving at normal speeds, it just takes even less when you drive fast around other people.
![]() 09/04/2013 at 21:41 |
You are simply having an emotional melt down. Take a breath.
First of all, you would need to establish what a "safe" speed was, which has never been done. Once you have done that, the "safe" speed would vary by vehicle and my driver as well as by conditions. To say "driving fast on public roads is dangerous" can not be defended because you don't even know what "fast" is.
Now, braking distances are adjustable not fixed. Simply driving faster doesn't impact your ability to avoid rear ending someone... you already adjust this when driving in a 55 MPH zone vs a 30 MPH zone. This isn't an opinion, it's a fact of physics. There will always be enough time to stop from any speed, it's just a matter of keeping that distance clear.
I'm going to completely ignore your insane "what if" scenario... it's completely illogical.
![]() 09/04/2013 at 22:40 |
I'm not having an emotional melt down I'm just trying to stress to you how much you can screw up someone's life.
I know what fast is on public roads. I've gone 120 in a Mini Cooper on a highway, 100 (actually reached in limiter) in a 1998 Chevy Silverado on the highway, and 100 in a honda civic. I used to do that shit all the time which is exactly why I know where you're coming from. I've also reached 130 in a Ferrari 458 italia on a track and 160 in a corvette Z06 on the track.
For the examples below we'll establish that fast is defined as either
1) On highways or interstates going over 90mph.
2) Going over 20 mph faster than the general flow of traffic.
So here they are
1) people in front of you don't know that you're going faster so they might pull right out in front of you.
2) If you're driving fast and you hit a pothole or other device that would compromise your tire (this applies double if you have run flats and mostly to criteria 2) you're going to (1) blow a tire, (2) possibly lose control of the vehicle.
4) mechanical failures, too broad to even go over all the ways
Also your breaking idea is in a vacuum without human error. A car traveling at 70MPH is doing around 100FPS while the average car takes around 293 feet to stop plus around a 187 feet for reaction time in a perfect vacuum. However if you're in your car and you reach down to change the song on your ipod or something I assume that would take around 3 seconds. Ok so you're driving on the road doing 70 mph in a 40 and that horrible taylor swift song you downloaded while drunk one night comes on so you reach down to change it! Well it took you three seconds to do that which in that time someone has pulled out in front of you assuming that you were being a responsible citizen and doing the speed limit however they didn't see that there was a small metal I beam in the road so they brake hard, (they started breaking 1.5 seconds into you looking down by the way) well lets say at max length there is 300 feet between you two. In that 1.5 seconds you've driven 150 feet so now there is 150 feet between you two. It takes an average car 152 feet to brake at 40mph so add that to the 150 and you have 305 feet between you two. Then there is your reaction distance of 187 feet so now you have 118 feet! Ok so now you need 293 feet to stop, subtract that to 118 and you have -175 feet between you. Now I can't work out how damage that would cause because I'm an english major and don't study formulas like that. However I can tell you that having almost half a football field of stopping distance left is definitely going to fuck some shit up.
I stopped driving fast because I had a friend I cared very deeply about die. He was just like you and how I used to be, he thought he was the shit at driving and then had something similar happen to him. So for your safety and everyone around you, please take it to a track.
![]() 09/04/2013 at 23:00 |
Stop with irrational "what if" scenarios. Also stop assuming you know anything about my driving, simply because I disagree with your illogical statement does not mean I somehow am saying that I agree with negligent or reckless driving. Your friends death is irrelevant to this discussion. What is relevant is the facts and logic of the discussion.
I would agree that going over 90 MPH on a highway was most likely excessive in most cases, and dangerous if there is other traffic. But your statement wasn't that driving 90 MPH on a highway was dangerous. Your statement was that driving "fast" was. Fast to you maybe 90 MPH, fast to me might be 55 MPH. Further, you maybe envisioning a Corvette Z06 doing 90 MPH on a multilane interstate, I maybe talking about an 80s Suburban. Someone else may say anything faster than the posted limit is "fast" and thus dangerous. This is why your statement is fundamentally incorrect, as was Spiegel's.
In order to be dangerous your speed would have to reduce your control of the situation. For instance, if you are out driving your vision, you are collapsing your reactionary gap. If you are driving in traffic with a great difference in speed, you are doing the same thing. Just as with your example. If you are approaching the mechanical limit of the equipment the same thing applies. There is no safe speed. The reality is there is a safe level of control. In general I measure it like most things in racing, in terms of percentages. I generally would say that anything in excess of 75% maximum capability on public roads is unsafe. Sure, going 9/10's or better at the track is the goal, but that is a situation where safe guards are in place to offset the increased risk.
The trick is that these percentages are always changing. You maybe driving 20% visibility at 80 MPH going down a highway with light traffic withing 10 MPH your speed or less. That is most likely safe. That is, until you come to a slight hill you can't see over. Now visibility goes from over a mile to 1/2 mile. You are now pushing 50% visible maximum. As you get closer it cuts down to 500 ft. At 80 MPH you are not rapidly approaching 90%+. Stopping from 80 MPH in many vehicles will take all of the 500ft if not more. Now, if you are in a track prepped FD3 with semi-race rubber, over sized, with matching brakes, you maybe only at 75% to 80%... but still at or above the safe margins for a public road full of unknowns. The same idea applies for mechanical limits, attention, etc, and they also interact (as demonstrated above with the interaction of visibility and mechanical capability).
We all agree in principal, I disagree with your wording and irrational exaggeration. Exaggerating and overcompensating helps no one.
![]() 09/04/2013 at 23:13 |
Look all of that is irrelevant, you want to know why? Because life if full of "what if's". You can't just repeal my argument by saying that you never do it, because I know that it's not true. Everyone gets distracted.
![]() 09/05/2013 at 05:33 |
Jeez dude.
![]() 09/05/2013 at 09:32 |
I was slightly drunk when I wrote that and reading those asshat's comments annoyed me.